
dynamics舞蹈 dance studio舞蹈





AB:是一种由两个部分组成的作品形式,含一个A主题和一个B主题。这种二部形式(binary)由两个独特的、相对独立的段落组成,并共用某种特点或特征(诸如同样的速度、动作特点或风格)。 ABA:是一种由三个部分组成的作品形式。其中,第二部分与第一部分形成对比,第三部分则以凝炼、简化或扩展的形式再现第一部分。



审美标准:(aesthetic criteria):对艺术作品的艺术价值进行判断的准绳。


轴心动作(axial movement):围绕身体的轴心而组织的动作。其设计不含从某处到另一处的行走,亦称原地(nonlocomotor)动作。

问答(call and response):一种常与非洲音乐和舞蹈相联系的结构,在其他地区亦有运用。在这种结构中,一名独舞者或一组舞蹈者与第二名独舞者或另一组舞蹈者的关系是,后者以“回答”前者的形式进入。




舞蹈设计结构(choreographic structure):具体的作品形式,其中,对动作予以组织并创造形成舞蹈作品。



力度(dynamics):人类运动的表现内容。力度表现着空间、时间以及力/能量诸要素之间的相互关系。另见*动作特征(movement quality)。









移位动作(locomotor movement):从一处行至另一处的动作,通常表现在重量在双脚的转移。基本的移位动作包括走、跑、跳跃、单脚跳、双脚跳,以及不规则节奏的轻跳结合(走与单脚跳)、滑步(走与跳跃)和跨跃(走与跳跃)。

动作特征(movement quality):由能量的释放、进行和终止形成的具有识别特征的属性,它是使动作成为舞蹈的关键。表示动作特征的常用术语包括保持、摆动、击动、颤动、衰退、飘动、拍动、推动、滑动等。

动作主题(movement theme):在舞蹈中处理形成的一个完整的动作观念。



原地动作(nonlocomotor movement):见轴心动作。

回文、回形(palindrome):运用某一短句或更长序列的一种舞蹈设计结构。其中,某短句首先按动作一至动作二等顺序依次表演,当该短句的最后一个动作完成后,再按前动作的顺序从倒数第一个动作逆行至原来的第一个动作(在诗文中常用的例子是“Able was I saw Elba”)在此例中,各字母在顺读和倒读中的排列顺序是相同的。

个体空间(personal space):个体占据的动围。它包括接近以及远离身体中心的所有高度、平面和方向。




节奏敏锐感(rhytymic acuity):身体和听觉对各种复杂时间要素的的认识。




传统舞蹈(traditional dance):“传统”一词表示产生自各民族传统的舞蹈和舞蹈形式,诸如婆罗多舞、欧洲或其他地区各民族本土的民间舞蹈。








Abrupt interruption of the music 突然中断

Absence 缺少

Absence of a formation 缺少一个队形

Absence of balance 缺乏平衡

Absence of contact 无接触

Absence of harmony 不和谐

Absence of unity 缺乏一致性

Absence of variety 缺乏多样

Acrobatic 技巧动作

Acrobatic elements 技巧动作

Active bounces 主动拍球

Aesthetic 美的

A "grasped" ball 抓球

A knot in the rope 绳打结

Alteration of the formation 队形改变

Alteration of the pattern formed by the ribbon 带的图形改变

Alteration of the trajectory 改变抛物线

Amplitude 幅度

Ankle 踝

A position on the floor 地上一个姿势

Apparatus 器械

Apparatus balanced on one part of the body 器械在身体某一部位的平衡

Apparatus held 持器械

Apparatus held for a long time 长时间持器械

Apparatus do not conform to the specifications 器械不合规格

Appropriate symbols 正确符号

Arabesque 阿拉贝斯

Arch jump 挺身跳

Arms too far apart during the mills 小五花时手臂距离过大

Artistic Value 艺术值

A series of tosses 一串小抛

Aside from hands 除手以外

A spirit of cooperation 合作精神

"Assisted rolls" 有帮助的滚动

Assistant Judge 辅助裁判

Asymmetric movements 不对称动作

Asymmetric throw and catches 不对称的抛和接

At the end of the exercise 动作结束时

At the horizontal 在水平位置

Attitude 阿提丢


Back bend of the trunk 体后屈

Back splits 后劈腿

Back splits without help 无帮助后劈腿

Backward 向后

Balance 平衡

Balance on one knee 单膝支撑的平衡

Ball 球

Ball held against the forearm 球靠在前臂上

Base score 基础分

Basic characteristics 特征

Basic composition 基本编排

Basic technique 基本技术

Be coordinated with the apparatus 与器械相结合

Behind the back 在背后

Being in suspension 悬空

Below horizontal 水平以下

Below the leg(s) 腿下

Body movement elements 动作要素

Boomerang roll (roll with return ) 倒滚圈

Boomerang throws 拉带抛 Broken apparatus 器械断裂

Butterfly 蝴蝶跳


Cabriole 羚羊跳

Cartwheels 侧手翻

Catch 接

Catches of large throws 接大抛的器械

Catch on the floor 在地上接

Catch the ball with 2 hands 双手接球

Change of planes 面的改变

Change of support 改变支撑

Character of apparatus 器械特点

Chinese Gymnastic Association 中国体操协会

Choice of apparatus elements 器械动作的选择

Choice of body movements 身体动作的选择

Choice of elements 动作选择

Choice of music 音乐的选择

Choreography 舞蹈

Choreographic elements 舞蹈动作

Circles 绕环

Closing Ceremony 闭幕式

Clubs 棒

Code of points 评分规则

Collaboration among the gymnasts 运动员间的合作

Collision between the apparatus 器械相撞

Collision between the gymnasts 运动员相撞

Combination of difficulties 联合难度

Competition 比赛

Competition for Groups Exercises 集体赛

Competition for Individuals Exercises 个人赛

Competition Hall 比赛馆

Competition schedule 比赛时间表

Compulsory body movements required for each apparatus 各项器械所规定的身体动作组

Connection 连接

Contact with the apparatus 接触器械

Contact with the arm 接触上臂

Contact with the forearm 接触前臂

Contraction 紧张

Co-ordination 协调性

Correctness 准确性

"Cossack" jumps or leaps "哥萨克"

Criteria 标准

Crossed arms 双臂交叉


Degree of faults 失误程度

Diameter 直径

Dibble(bounce) 拍(弹)

Different movements 不同的动作

Different plane and direction 不同面和方向

Different planes 不同的面

Different position 不同姿态

Different types of throw 不同类型的抛

Difficulties with exchange of apparatus 器械交换难度

Difficulties with left hand 左手难度

Directions 方向

Direct passing 直接过渡

Discipline of coaches 教练员纪律

Discipline of the gymnasts 运动员纪律

Dress of gymnasts 运动员服装

Dress of judge 裁判服

During a jump/leap 跳的过程中

During the catch of the apparatus 接器械的过程中

During the exercise 动作过程中

During the flight of the apparatus 器械飞行过程中

During the throw 抛的过程中

Dynamics 动力性


Each additional half-turn 每增加180度转体

Each additional rotation 每个附加的转体

Each time 每次

Elegance 优美性

Elements of collaboration 合作动作

Elements over the hoop 圈上动作

Entry 入场

Evaluation of exercises 评分

Events 项目

Exchanges by throwing 抛的交换

Exchange difficulties 交换难度

Exchange difficulties with combinations 联合交换难度

Exchanges by throws 抛交换

Execution 完成

Execution faults 完错错误

Execution in "canon" 以"轮唱"方式完成

Execution in rapid succession 快速连续完成

Exercises without apparatus 徒手动作

Expression 表现力


Federation International de Gymnastique 国际体操联合会

Feet caught in the hoop 脚碰圈

Feet caught in the rope 脚碰绳

Figure eights 8字

Finals 决赛

Finals by apparatus 单项决赛

Finishing position 结束动作

Flexibility 柔韧

Flexion of the trunk 躯干弯曲

"Flip overs" 翻转

Floor Area 场地

Foot higher than the head 脚高过头

Formations 队形

Forward 向前

Forward or backward rolls 前后滚翻

Forward or backward walkovers or cartwheels 前后软翻/侧手翻

Fouette 浮埃迪

Four Continents RG Championships 四大洲艺术体操锦标赛

Free rolls 自由滚动

Free rotations 自由转动

Front bend of the trunk 体前器屈

Front splits with back bend of the trunk 踹燕

Fundamental groups 基本组


General Competition 预赛

General criteria 一般标准

General impression 总体印象

Generalities 总则

Good amplitude 幅度大

Grip 握法

Group Exercises 集体动作

Group work 团体动作

Guiding idea 主题思想

Gymnastic quality 体操特点

Gymnasts 运动员


Handling 运用

Head touching the leg 头触腿

Holding the clubs by the body 持棒体

Holding the clubs by the head 持棒头

Holding the clubs by the neck 持棒颈

Hoop 圈

Horizontal 水平

Horizontal axis 水平轴


Illusion 伊柳辛

Illusion backwards 向后伊柳辛

Immediate retrieval 立即捡回

Immobility 静止状态

Imprecise planes or directions 面和方向不准确

Imprecise trajectory 抛物线不准确

In all directions 所有方向

In an unstable position 在不稳定平衡位置

Incomplete movement 动作不完全

Incomplete roll over the body 在身上的不完全滚动

Incomplete rotation 不完全转体

In connection with the apparatus 与器械相结合

Incorrect catch 接法不正确

Incorrect execution technique 完成技术不正确

Incorrect handling 运用不正确

Incorrect roll with bounce 滚动不正确有跳动

Individual all-around competition 个人全能赛

In flight 飞行中

Insufficient 不足

Insufficient amplitude 幅度不充分

Insufficient difficult 难度不足

Insufficient difficulties of exchange 交换难度不足

Insufficient handling of the apparatus 器械运用不充分

Intermediary step 中间步

International Tournament (Competition) 国际比赛

Interruption 中断

Invalid difficulties 无效难度

Involuntary contact 无意接触

Involuntary wrapping 无意缠身

Inward 向内

Isolated difficulties 单独难度


"Jete" with a turn 反跨跳

"Jete" with ring(+leg) 反跨跳结环

Judge 裁判

Judge Procedures 裁判程序

Judge with FIG Brevet 持有国际体联证书的裁判

Jump or leap above a partner 从同伴身上跳过

Jump over the hoop 从圈上跳过

Jumps and leaps 大跳

Jumps/leaps into the rope 过绳大跳

Juries 仲裁


Kick the hoop 踢圈

Knot with interruption in the exercise 打结并中断动作

Knot without interruption in the exercise 打结但未中断动作


Lack of height 缺乏高度

Large roll 长距离滚动

Large throws 大抛

Large traveling 长距离移动

Leap difficulty with double turn of the rope 双摇跳

Leaps in the rope 大跳过绳

Leaving the floor area 出界

Leg high up 高举腿

Leg high up front or sideways or back 向前、侧、后高举腿

Leg high up in ring position 向后高举腿结环

Leg in ring position 腿在结环位置

Legs high up 双腿高举

Length 长度

Levels 水平

Line judges 视线员

Long stop in a formation 一个队形停留时间长

Loops or waves insufficiently tight 环和波浪不紧凑

Loops or waves not of the same amplitude 环和波浪幅度不同

Loss 掉地

Loss and retrieval of the apparatus 器械掉地并捡起

Loss of apparatus 失去器械

Loss of apparatus during the difficulty 在难度过程中失去器械

Loss of balance 失去平衡

Loss of rhythm 失去节奏


Major fault 严重错误

Making the catch easier 使接法变得容易

Mark of composition 编排分

Mark for execution 完成分

Master judge (or head judge) 裁判长

Mastery 熟练性

Material 材料

Medium fault 明显错误

Mills 小五花

Mixed difficulty 混合难度

Modes 方式

Monotony of music 音乐单调

Music 音乐

Musical accompaniment 音乐伴奏

Musical introduction 音乐前奏

Multiple exchanges 复合交换

Musical composition 音乐编排

Musical introduction 音乐前奏


National team 国家队 Non aesthetic elements 不美的动作

Non-compulsory body movement 非必须的身体动作组

Non-valid difficulties 无效难度

Not visibly held 无明显停顿

Novel isolated difficulty 新难度

Novel relationship 新关系

Number of difficulties 难度数量


Of different types and levels 不同类型和水平

Official Championships for Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操正式比赛

Official forms 正式表格

Of the same type and level 同种类型和水平

On a part of the body 在身体的一部分

One difficulty 一个难度

One leg over the other bent 一腿弯曲在另一腿上

One leg over the other stretched 一腿伸直在另一腿上

On the chest 胸部支撑

On the floor 在地上

On the hand 在手上

On the knee 跪平衡

On the stomach 腹部支撑

Opening Ceremony 开幕式

Open rope held by both hands 双手持绳

Originality 独创性

Other groups 其它组

Outside the visual field 视线外

Outward 向外

Over the body 在身上

Overuse 过多运用


Passé 巴塞

Passing of the boundary of floor area by the gymnast 运动员出界

Passing on the floor 通过地面

Passing through a partner 从同伴身上通过

Passing through the hoop 从圈中穿过

Passing twice through the apparatus 两次穿过器械

Passing with splits 经过劈腿

Passive bounces 被动拍球

Penalization 判罚

Penalties 扣分

Pike jump 屈体跳

Pivots 转体

Pivots with small hops 小跳转体

Pre-acrobatic elements 近似技巧动作

Present a risk 有惊险动作

Primary technique 基本技术

Prohibited elements 禁用动作

Protest 抗议

Provisional 条文


Rebound (kick back) of the stick of the ribbon


Rebounds 反弹

Relationship and collaboration among the gymnasts 运动员之间的联系和合作

Relationship between the gymnasts


Relaxation 放松

Repetition 重复

Repetition of exercises 重做

Replacement apparatus 替换器械

Reserve gymnasts 替补运动员 Rethrows 连抛

Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操(韵律体操)

Ribbon 带

Ring leap 结环跳

Roll in a circle 圆圈滚动

Rolls 滚动

Rolls on the floor 地上滚动

Rope 绳

Rope folded in 2 双折绳

Rotation 旋转

Rotations of the rope 转动绳


"Sails" 帆

Scissors leap 剪式跳

Scissors with a turn 剪式跳转体180度

Series of a minimum of 5 bounces


Series of mills 一串五花

Series of small throws 一组小抛

Series of snakes on different planes 一组在不同面上的蛇

Series of spirals on different planes 一组在不同面上的螺

Shape 形状

Shape of the rope 绳的图形

Shape fixed and well defined 姿态准确固定

Short traveling 短距离移动

Side splits without help 无帮助侧劈腿

Skipping on the rope 小跳过绳

Skips and hops 小跳(单、双脚)

Skips/hops into the rope 过绳小跳

Sliding movements 滑动动作

Sliding on the arm 滑到上臂

Sliding onto the forearm 滑到前臂

Slow turn 慢转

Small circles 小绕环

Small fault 轻微错误

Small or medium throws 小抛或中抛

Small tosses ("echappers ") 小抛

Snakes 蛇形

Sound signal 声音信号

Special artistic characteristics 特殊艺术性

Speed 速度

Spinning 旋转

Spinning movements with the ball


Spiral pivot 螺旋转体

Spirals 螺形

Split leap 跨跳

Split leap with bent leg 屈腿交换腿跳

Split leap with legs stretched 直腿交换腿跳

Splits 劈腿

Stag leap 鹿跳

Stag leap with ring 鹿跳结环

Starting position 开始动作

Static apparatus 器械静止

Stick 棍

Straddle jump 分腿屈体跳 Style 风格

Successive leaps 连续跳

Summary table 总结表

Support 支撑

Support leg bending progressively 支撑腿逐渐弯曲

Support leg bent 支撑腿弯曲

Support leg from bent to stretched 支撑腿从弯曲到伸直

Support on the forearm 前臂支撑

Swing 摆动

Synchronization and harmony 和谐一致性


Take off from both feet 双脚起跳

Tapping 敲击

TC 技术委员会

Technical faults 技术错误

Technical movements 技术动作

Technical value 技术值

Technique 技术

Technique with apparatus 器械技术

Temperament 个性

The balance position has been fixed 平衡姿势已经固定

The distance 距离

The end of the ribbon stays on the floor 带尾拖地

The level of the exchange 交换的水平

The majority of the gymnasts 大多数运动员

The same movements 相同的动作

The value of the difficulties without exchange无交换难度的值

The vertical axis of the apparatus


The vertical axis of the body


Throughout the duration of the balance difficulty 在平衡难度持续的过程中

Throw 抛

Throw with another apparatus


Throw with rotation(s) 带旋转的抛

Thrusts 预摆

Toes 足尖

"Tonneau" 多努转体

Toss of one end 小抛绳的一端

Total body wave 全身波浪

Trajectory 抛物线

Traveling 移动

Trip turn of the rope 三摇跳

Trunk at the horizontal 上体水平

Trunk bent backwards 上体前屈

Trunk bent forward 上体前屈

Tuck jump 团身跳

Turn 转体

Turn and leap(Jete with a turn) 反跨跳

Turn of the trunk 转体

Turn of the whole body 整个身体转体

Two consecutive boomerang throws 两个连续的拉带抛


Unauthorized acrobatic elements 不允许的技巧动作

Uncrossed arms 双臂不交叉

"Unit" 单元

Unstable balance position 不稳定平衡位置

Use of the floor area 场地使用

Use of the replacement apparatus 使用替换器械


Value of the difficulties 难度值

Value of the movements 动作价值

Variety 多样化

Various methods of traveling 各种移动

Vertical 垂直

Vertical jump 垂直跳

Very brief 非常短

Vibrations 颤动

Voluntary stops 有意停顿


Walkover 软翻

Wave 波浪

Weight 重量

With "choral" execution 以"合唱"方式完成

With collaboration in execution 以合作方式完成

With "contrasting" execution 以"对比"方式完成

With interruption in the exercise 动作中断

Without connection with the apparatus 与器械无联系

Without heel support 无脚跟支撑

Without help of hands 不用手

Without intermediary heel support 无中间脚跟支撑

Without physical contact 无身体接触

Without risk 无惊险动作

Without step 无中间步

With physical contact 有身体接触

With ring 结环

With synchronized execution 一致完成

With the help of the body 用身体帮助

With the help of one hand 用身体帮助

With/without help 有/无帮助

World championships for RG 世界锦标赛

Wrapping 缠绕





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