










1. TensorFlow:这是一个由Google开发的开源机器学习库,是目前最流行的机器学习库之一。不仅可以在Python中使用,还可以在C ++和Java等其他语言中使用。在Golang中,可以使用tensorflow-golang来使用TensorFlow。

2. Gobot:这是一个基于Golang的机器学习框架,用于构建机器人和物联网应用程序。它包含了许多可以用于机器学习的传感器和执行器,如机器人、摄像头、感应器等。

3. Gorgonia:这是一个基于Golang的机器学习库,用于构建神经网络模型。它提供了一个类似于TensorFlow的API,允许你定义和训练各种不同类型的神经网络。

4. Golearn:这是一个基于Golang的机器学习库,提供了许多用于监督学习和无监督学习的算法和模型,如决策树、K-means聚类等。






1. 准备数据集:我们将使用IMDB电影评论数据集,其中包含50000条带标记的电影评论。该数据集被分为训练数据集和测试数据集。

2. 数据预处理:我们需要对原始数据进行预处理,以便使其适用于机器学习模型。我们将使用Natural Language Toolkit(NLTK)来对文本进行预处理,包括分词、去除停用词等。

3. 特征提取:我们需要将文本转换为数值特征,这样才能在机器学习模型中使用。我们将使用TF-IDF方法来计算每个评论中单词的权重,并将其作为评论的特征。

4. 模型训练:我们将使用Golearn中的决策树算法来训练模型。我们将对训练集进行拟合,并使用测试集来评估模型的准确性。

5. 预测:最后,我们将使用训练好的模型来预测新评论的情感标签。



import (








func main() {

// Load data

rawData, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("imdb.csv", true)

if err != nil {



// Preprocess data

filter := base.NewTokenisedTermsFilter(






base.NewBytesReadCloser(byte(the of and to a in for is on that by this with i you it not or be are from at as your all have new more an was we will home can us about if page my has search free but our one other do no information time they site he up may what which their news out use any there see c so only his e when contact here business who web also now help m re get pm view online first am been would how were me s services some these click its like service x than find price date back top people had list name just over state year day into email two health n world re next used go b work last most products music buy data make them should product system post her city t add policy number such please available copyright support message after best software then jan good video well d where info rights public books high school through m each links she review years order very privacy book items company r read group need many user said de does set under general research university january mail full map reviews program life know games way days management part could great united hotel real item international center ebay must store travel comments made development report off member details line terms before hotels did send right type because local those using results office education national car design take posted internet address community within states area want phone dvd shipping reserved subject between forum family long based code show even black check special prices website index being women much sign file link open today technology south case project same pages uk version section own found sports house related security both g county american photo game members power while care network down k computer systems three total place end following download h him without per access think north resources current posts big media law control water history pictures size art personal since including guide shop directory board location change white text small rating rate government children during usa return students v shopping account times sites level digital profile previous form events love old john main call hours image department title description non k y insurance another why shall property class cd still money quality every listing content country private little visit save tools low reply customer december compare movies include college value article york man card jobs provide food source author different press u learn sale around print course job canada process teen room stock training too credit point join science co men categories advanced west sales look english left team estate box conditions select windows photos gay thread week category note mr live large gallery table register however june october november market library really action start series model features air industry plan human provided tv yes required second hot accessories cost movie forums march september better say questions july yahoo going medical test friend come server pc study application cart staff articles san feedback again play looking issues april never users complete street topic comment financial things working against standard tax person below mobile less got blog party payment equipment login student let programs offers legal above recent park stores side act problem red give memory performance social q august quote language story sell options experience rates create key body young america important field etc few east paper single ii age activities club example girls additional password latest something road gift question changes night ca hard texas oct pay four poker status browse issue range building seller court february always result audio light write war nov offer blue groups al easy given files event release analysis request fax china making picture needs possible might professional yet month major star areas future space committee sun hand london cards problems washington meeting rss become interest id child keep nothing controling size board importance spring aka note choice client artf designating invest securities sign aboveground immediately needs rightaway owning belong codependent agoraphobia assertiveness building_id charlie estate_id etc_id use_id first_seen last_seen price_sqft land_sqft year_built bedrooms bathrooms stories type floors exterior_walls roof build_type architecture_id subd_id mls_id county_id city_id metro_id").Split('\n')),



filteredData := base.NewLazilyFilteredInstances(rawData, filter)

// Define features and labels

classIndex := filteredData.NumAttributes() - 1

attributes := filteredData.AllAttributes()

attributes = attributes

classAttrs := base.CategoricalAttributes(filteredData, classIndex)

classMap := base.NewMapDataDictionary()

classMap.PutString(0, "negative")

classMap.PutString(1, "positive")

// Preprocess data

transformer := base.NewIDFTransform(filteredData)


filteredData = base.TransformInstances(filteredData, transformer)

// Train and evaluate model using decision tree algorithm

trainData, testData := base.InstancesTrainTestSplit(filteredData, 0.5)

tree := trees.NewID3DecisionTree(0.6)

model := ensemble.NewRandomForest(10, 2, tree)


predictions, err := model.Predict(testData)

if err != nil {



// Evaluate model

confusionMat, err := evaluation.GetConfusionMatrix(testData, predictions)

if err != nil {



fmt.Println(evaluation.GetSummary(confusionMat, classAttrs, classMap))



上述代码首先将IMDB电影评论数据集加载到程序中。然后,它使用Golang中的Natural Language Toolkit(NLTK)来对文本进行预处理。接下来,代码使用TF-IDF方法计算每个评论中单词的权重,并将其作为评论的特征。然后,它使用基于决策树算法的随机森林模型来训练模型,并使用测试集来评估其准确性。最后,它将使用训练好的模型来预测新评论的情感标签。










